Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Saturday, February 24, 2007

New Blog

We are moving to a new blog. Check us out at:

Brady and Family

We are moving to a new blog to accomodate our new addition. Go to: Thanks to everyone for all your prayers and congratulation emails. Renée and Brady are doing good. Rayna loves her new brother.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Rayna's Baby Brother

Brady Karson Grant
We're going to have to change the name of the blog, but here's Brady's first post. He was a big boy 8lbs.5oz., 21" long, 13 3/4" head. Renée did good. It was a little easier going in knowing it would be a C-section. She was more rested going into it. We got there a little after 5. She was in the OR a little after 7, and Brady was born at 7:39. Rayna came up a couple times to visit and she was very excited to see her baby brother.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Bike Ride

Rayna has been obsessed with bikes latley so Auntie Monica gave her Drew's little bike that he outgrew. She loves it! Anytime we go out in the garage she wants to get on it and ride around. So yesterday we took her out for a little ride around the cul-de-sac. She had a blast!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Say "Cheese"

Rayna's cousin Drew brought his play camera over the other day. Rayna thought it was so funny to try and take pictures of everyone. She especially liked it when I got my camera out and we took a picture of each other!

Bee Bop

Rayna still loves to play with her Bee Bop band. Daddy showed her how to wear the drum around her neck and play. She thought that was great!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Snow Day

We got a couple of inches of snow yesterday! It was so exciting. After naptime we took Rayna outside to play in it. She was much more excited than the last few times. I think mostly because she got to wear her snowboots and mittens! The neighbor kids had built a snowman so we took her over to see it. She thought that was great!

Potty Chair

Rayna has been trying to potty train herself lately. She is constantly asking to go sit on her potty chair and go "poo-poo." We haven't had much success, but that's all right. At least she's starting to get the idea. She also loves to read her I Can Go Potty book while she sits there.

Little Reader

Rayna loves reading her books and lately has really enjoyed using her Little Touch LeapPad. She knows how to turn it on and how to push all the right buttons to enjoy her story. Her favorite one is Pooh Loves You!